
Comple the phrases with the false friends that were mentioned, today;

a) We needed an _______________ to solve that problem.

b) Did I tell you the _______________?

c) Would you like to study biology in _______________?

d) I didn't give an immediate answer because I am not so _______________ as you are.

e) When she arrived in my classroom, She found a _______________ from the president informinf about the meeting.

f) This school has a good _______________.

2 comentários:

  1. Oi Oi João curto sempre mto suas atividades ...maas não entendi essa muito bem =/ me explika depois ?

  1. A é que é assim. Você vai ter que ver no quadro os falsos cognatos do exercício, aqui está o link!:
    Obrigado! E Bons estudos^^

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