
 The water we drink usually comes from reservoirs, lakes, or rivers. A large number of cities uses river water and dumps it back into the river. Sometimes another city downstream uses the same water. This water may be badly polluted with chemicals and pathogenic bacteria. Many different chemical treatments are necessary to make it safe and palatable.

 Many communities add some form of fluorine to their water. Fluorine in concentrations of 0.7 to 1.0 ppm ( parts per million ) can significantly reduce tooth decay in children.

Smaller communities usuallym obtain water from wells, Even they have problems because sometimes the ground water is contaminated by nitrates. These nitrates come from agricultural fertilizers and from the decomposition of organic waste.

What can we do ? We can fight for clear water and convince our neighbors to do the same.Wecan demand an end to water pollution by industries and cities. And finally, we must know how to use the water of the earth because that is all the water we have.

1) Responda as questões according the text, in portuguese, or in english. You can choose!

a) O que é necessário para que a água possa se tornar "segura"?

b) O autor do texto explica de forma clara, a adição de flúor na água. Explique com suas palavras, o motivo de se fazer isso.

2) Escreva (V) para Verdadeiro e (F) para Falso:

(   ) Nitrates pollute the water.
(   ) People dump purifies water into the river.
(   ) We drink water from reservoirs.
(   ) Fertilizers purify the water.
(   ) We can't drink safe water.

3) Choose a altervativa correta, de acordo com o texto:

Many communities add:

a) Fertilizers to their water.
b) Organic waste to their water.
c) Fluorine to their water.
d) Nitrates to their water.

3 comentários:

  1. minha professora me passou este texto para traduzir

  1. não tem o gabarito?

  1. a minha passou só ametade mas eu achei aqui e ja traduzi amaã na aula dela ela vai passar o resto e eu vou ficar sem fazer nada.

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