

Vamos aos exercícios!Faça-os no comentário!

1) Complete with Was or Were! (Complete com Was ou Were):

a) Maryann_______ my first girlfriend.
b) I _______ in Rio de Janeiro in February.
c) The cat _______ sick last week.
d) We ________ at John's house last weekend.
e) They ________ on vacation last July.
f) He and I _______ not a good english student.
g) She ______ happy with the new dress.

2) Change the phrases to affirmative and negative form.
Mude as frases para a forma Afirmativa e Negativa.

a) Were James and I in new York last month?
A- _____________________________________
N- _____________________________________

b) Were the birds hungry?
A- _____________________________________
N- _____________________________________

c) Was she my girlfriend?
A- _____________________________________
N- _____________________________________

d) Was the car very expensive ?
A- _____________________________________
N- _____________________________________

8 comentários:

  1. 1-a Was

  1. Gostaria que você postasse a resposta dos exercícios, para que pudéssemos conferir depois de feitos.

  1. Onde tá as respostas? ?????

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
  1. 1\ Was 2\was 3\was 4\were 5\were 6\were 7\was (Valeu! Flw)

  1. 1a-Was

  1. a) Were James and I in new York last month?
    A- _Yes, we were in new york last month
    N- No, we weren't in Japan last month

    b) Were the birds hungry?
    A- Yes, they were hungry
    N- No, They weren't hungry

    c) Was she my girlfriend?
    A-Yes, She was my girlfriend
    N- No, She wasan't my girlfriend

    d) Was the car very expensive ?
    A- Yes, It was very expensive
    N- No, It wasan't very expensive

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